Bust of Lon B.Issacson (clay)

Lon B.Isaacson’s Statement
of Sponsorship of the Artistic Work Of Taisske Kinoshita

Art is mysterious, ineffable, frustratingly elusive, difficult to quantify, impossible to truly objectively evaluate, but essential to the advancement of the core notions upon which our Civilization rests.

For example, is not symmetry a component of Justice?
Is Democracy possible in the absence of Truth?
Can a Life be examined in the void of a world without Beauty?
Is not courage born of man’s struggle to overcome obstacles?
Ultimately, do we not strive to feel pleasure,enjoy Beauty, revel in the satisfaction of security and order for us and our loved ones?

The existence of Art ,and The appreciation of Art answers these questions, and more.
Art stimulates,amuses,rewards,challenges,delights,angers, provides a window through which we examine what we hold dear, right, true and valuable.

I commend to you the work of Taisske Kinoshita.
You will learn much from his difficult climb towards artistic realization.Your world will be enriched by studying,appreciating,admiring,and understanding his ever higher artistic achievements.

I am fortunate to be his first sponsor, to support his work financially, to invite others to see in his unfolding artistic accomplishments the value to our Civilization of Art well realized.

Taisske Kinoshita, only now 32years old, honors us by permitting us to honor him.

Lon B.Isaacson
An Affiliation including a Professional Law Corporation
3435 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 2910
Los Angeles, Ca. 90010-2015
Tel: 213-487-7200
email: lon.isaacson@gmail.com